Monday, January 18, 2016

Superlative Personal Prophecy at reasonable price in Australia

Personal-prophecy-today is sharing info about personal prophecy which is a valid and powerful feature of new testament Christianity.  There are scores of Biblical illustrations of how personal prophecy has been used by God to bring great blessing to His people. In the New Testament, Mary and Joseph were ministered to by personal prophecy while in the Temple.  Both Simeon, a devout man, and Anna, a prophetess were used in his manner.  We also find that Paul was admonished about his future by the prophet.  

God has often brought great comfort, confirmation and guidance to me through the means of personal prophecy.  The validity of personal prophecy in no way justifies its abuse.  There is currently a growing trend toward holding entire services devoted to personal prophecy.  We must be sure of our scriptural standing in any ministry within the local church.

Equally as true, we must not allow error to rob us of the genuine.  Paranoia breeds quickly when we emphasize the negative of any issue as it is so much easier to be destructive rather than constructive in our teaching.  Since scripture forewarns us of an abundance of False Prophets in the last days, we must be concerned with understanding what the true ministry of a Prophet is and the correct use of prophecy in our local churches. Spiritual abuses can only remain when people are kept in the dark about the truth. 

In the same manner, False Prophets, and the abuse of the gift of prophecy will dissipate when we are equipped with adequate knowledge of the true.  They had previously been deceived into idol worship because they did not know the truth of God’s word.  We can rest assured that conveyed knowledge can steer clear from deception, excess and extremes.

Personal prophecy is very similar to the operation of the gift of tongues in that its benefit is for the individual, and not the entire church.  It may greatly edify, exhort and comfort that individual.
In the same way there is so much to gain through the ministry of personal prophecy, but also much confusion in its abuse.  In most cases the problems do not stem from the actual ministry ofthe prophecies, but by the obvious lack of what God desires to accomplish in the service, yet could not, because we were diverted by our fascination with prophecy.

Mention was made that to prophesy does not make one a Prophet; and so, there is obviously much more to the Prophet’s ministry than prophecy.  We will fail to receive the greatest portion of God’s blessing in these days of his spirit if we continue to magnify personal prophecy and fail to receive more fully from the ministry of the Prophet.  We are to be diligent to see that our services are maintained decently and in order, and that order is to seek to the edifying of the entire congregation. So, get adequate information about personal prophecy only from Personal-prophecy-today.